A Word from Andy Routsis, Founder and President
Like most plastics professionals, I started out on the production floor. Since then, I’ve owned a tooling shop, and sold and rebuilt molding machines. I’m still active in the industry today as a hands-on engineer, trainer, and adjunct professor at the University of Massachusetts Lowell Department of Plastics Engineering.
Over the years, I’ve seen firsthand how much money and resources plastics companies can waste – and how many opportunities they can miss – simply due to poorly trained workforces. I’ve also observed why many training programs fall short: Too often, they’re too disruptive, too inconvenient, too temporary, or just too dull to have any lasting benefit.
That’s why I founded Routsis Training more than 30 years ago: To fill the pressing need for engaging, convenient, ongoing training in the plastics industry.
Today, I’m honored to say that more than 2,800 companies in 37 countries use our training materials, including 93 learning centers and educational institutions that use our interactive training programs as part of their standard curricula.
If you have questions about any of our programs or our approach, please don’t hesitate to ask us today.
– Andy Routsis